
Last Updated on December 8, 2020 by NewToLinux

This is my first post under the “personal” category. I guess it falls under the “software” category as well since it is about Grammarly. For those of you that don’t know, Grammarly is an online service that helps you become a better writer. Apparently, I needed it. I created an account for the free version and started cranking out content on this website. The free features are helpful, but I went ahead and caved and purchased a premium subscription.

If you look at my posts created today or earlier, you will notice the “Last Updated” date near the top is December 7, 2020, or later, if I made more edits after today. Why is that exactly? Well, it turns out Grammarly found a decent amount of help it could provide for the hard-earned money I spent on the premium subscription.

Grammarly has a browser extension you can install on Firefox (think Linux browser), so you can get the help you need with Gmail, Facebook, Linkedin, WordPress, or anywhere you write when on the web. There is a browser extension for all the mainstream browsers so they have you covered. An icon will be colored to tell you Grammarly has access to the page you are on.

So, here is to becoming a better writer (personal category)!


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